Breeding Kits

Kits for preparation and sending of chilled semen

With the Kit from Cryocel for sending chilled semen, distance is no longer a problem. The kit contains everything necessary for the correct semen collection, its dilution and sending. It provides clear instructions for the correct preparation, in Spanish and English.
With this kit, your stud will always be available for breeding and you will have the satisfaction of having litters in places you never even thought you would visit. Go to Store


Kit for immune reinforcement

The use of fresh frozen plasma is the only immune reinforcement for new born puppies. Puppies that ingest plasma during the first 36 hours of life have a higher weight gain and more energy than those that don not.
The digestive system of newborns is not fully functional during this first 36 hours and therefore permeable to the immunoglobulins administered. That is why it is so important that the take calostrum during the first hours of life. After this time the intestinal barrier does not permit the absorption of the immunoglobulins administered orally and have to be administered in other ways.

The Kit for immune reinforcement Cryocel contains individual 10 ml glass containers of frozen plasma, this make it easier to preserve.
In the inside you will find instructions for use . Go to Store

Kit for Progesterone levels determination

Semiquantitative test progesterone

Semiquantitative Progesterone test: We have ovulation kits to determine progesterone levels.The test is done with serum or plasma, never full blood, so you will need a small centrifuge.The kit has 6 different intervals and comes with instructions in different languages.
The test is fast, 15 minutes approximately. Go to Store